Group Activity
Std-I, II and III (Group-I)Deck and Depict Competition [Fairy tale/Cartoon Character]
Std-IV to VI (Group-II)Solo Dance Competition
Std- VII onwards (Group-III)Mono-Acting Competition


  1. Participation of the whole class is compulsory.
  2. Class Teacher will select the best three students on Firday..[For selection costume is not required.]
  3. (i) CCA activity to be held in the 1st two periods.(Before Brunch)
    (II) Venue: OTS

For Deck and Depict Competition

  1. If time duration is more than 2 mins then marks shall be deducted.
  2. Students have to dress up from home by themselves.(School Uniform to be carried in a polythene bag.)
  3. Mother Teachers' are requested to click pictures and share with Anil sir.

Judging criteria:

  1. Expressions
  2. Props Used
  3. Costume
  4. Speech Content

Total marks 20

For Solo Dance Competition

  1. Participants have to bring their song in a pen drive by Thurshday 20/12/18 and give it to the Class Teach
  2. The pen drive should have only the selected song
  3. Only Motivational songs, Patriotic songs and Spiritual songs are allowed.
  4. Song duration should not be more than 2 minutes. Music will be stopped after 2 mins.
  5. Students have to dress up from home by themselves.(School Uniform to be carried in a polythene bag.)

Judging criteria:

  1. Song Selection
  2. Sense of Beats
  3. Confidence
  4. Presentation
  5. Pros Used

Total marks 25

For Mono-acting Competition

  1. Time duration should not be more than 2 min. The participant shall not be allowed to perform after given time limit.
  2. Students have to dress up from home by themselves.(School Uniform to be carried in a polythene bag.)

Judging criteria:

  1. Gestures
  2. Costume
  3. Dialogues
  4. Confidence
  5. Pros Used

Total marks 25

Deck and Depict Competition 22/12/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
Class & Div.House
ExpressionsProps UsedCostumeSpeech ContentTotal Marks
1Anjal ShahII-AF445518
2Jenisha ChaplotI-AG444315
3Priyansh PatelI-AF434314
ConsolationSai ThakorI-AF443314

Solo Dance Competition 22/12/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
Class & Div.House
Song SelectionPros UsedSense of BeatsPresentationConfidenceTotal Marks
1Swarangini SinghVI-AA5455524
2Maitri NaliyadharaIV-AA4344419
3Aradhya PandeyVI-AP3343417
ConsolationJyoti sahVI-AG3333214

Mono-acting Competition 22/12/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
Class & Div.House
GesturesCostumeDialoguesConfidencePros UsedTotal Marks
1Vihar ShahVII-AF5445220
2Yachika ChoudharyVII-AP4334418
3Krish ChaplotVII-AG3343417
ConsolationYash HiraparaVIII-AF3333214