GroupActivityMaterial required
Std-I, II and III (Group-I)Name Plate Making Competition8'' x 3 White Chart Paper
Std-IV to VI (Group-II)Sand-Pasting Competition Sand, Fevicol, Class Sketch Book and Colours
Std- VII onwards (Group-III)Inter-house Board Game Making Competition18'' x 18'' white chart Paper, Colours and accessories

Note for Name Plate Making Competition :

  1. Participation of the whole class is compulsory.
  2. (i) Class Teacher will select best five students' items and hand over to the judge.
    (ii) The item should have the child's Full name with Father's initial, Std., and Div., and House written on it (or sticker).
    (iii) Venue: Respective Classroom.
  3. CCA activity to be held in the CCA period.

Judging criteria for Name Plate Making Competition :

  1. Creativity
  2. Colour Combination
  3. Presentation
  4. Calligraphy

Total marks 20

Judging criteria for Sand-Pasting Competition :

  1. Presentation
  2. Neatness
  3. Creativity
  4. Visual Impact

Total marks 20

Note for Inter-house Board Game Making Competition :

  1. (i) House Master can select the best students for the same.
    (ii) Venue: Respective Class.
  2. CCA activity to be held in the CCA period.

Judging criteria for Inter-house Board Game Making Competition :

  1. Presentation
  2. Material used
  3. Creativity
  4. Decoration
  5. Team Work

Total marks 25

Name-Plate Making Competition 22/09/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
Class & Div.House
CreativityColour CombinationPresentationCalligraphyTotal Marks
Group I(05)(05)(05)(05)(20)
1Mahek AhirII-AG444416
2Mansi RakholiyaI-AG334414
3Jiya PatelIII-AA333312
ConsolationMeera ThakorIII-AF332210

Sand-Pasting Making Competition 22/09/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
Class & Div.House
PresentationNeatnessCreativityVisual ImpactTotal Marks
1Nehi KathiriyaVI-AA544417
2Kinjal AhirVI-AG444416
3Parth GhadiaV-AP434314
ConsolationVraj KukadiyaIV-AP333413

Inter-house Board Game Making Competition 22/09/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
ClassPresentationMaterial usedCreativityDecorationTeam WorkTotal Marks
2Golden EagleVIII-A4444420