GroupActivityMaterial required
Jr.KG & Sr.KG.Paper CollageMarble Paper


  1. Participation of the whole class is compulsory.
  2. (i) Class Teacher will select best five and hand it over to the judge.
    (ii) The paper should have the child's Full name with Father's initial, Std., Div., and House written on it.
    (iii) Venue: Respective Classroom.
  3. CCA activity to be held in the CCA period.

Judging criteria:

  1. Neatness
  2. Colour Combination
  3. Final Outcomes
  4. Time duration

Total marks 20

Paper-College Competition 28/07/17 (List of Winners)

Name of
NeatnessColour CombinationFinal OutcomesTime durationTotal Marks
1Krish Vansiya555520
2Rudhra Rathod545519
3Ayushkumar Sharma455519
3Ayushraj Prasad445518
1Vraj Mali545519
2Hetraj Chauhan544518
3Jenisha Chaplot444416