GroupActivityMaterial required
Nur. to Sr. KGStory Telling CompetitionBring props


  1. Participation of the whole class is compulsory.
  2. Class Teacher will select best four students name on Wednesday (20/11/19) and hand it over to the CCA Incharge.
  3. Venue: OTS Area
  4. CCA activity to be held in the CCA period.

Judging criteria:

  1. Selection of Story
  2. Intonation
  3. Presentation
  4. Confidence
  5. Props used

Total marks 25

Story Telling Competition 22/11/19 (List of Winners)

Name of
ClassSelection of StoryIntonationPresentationConfidenceProps usedTotal Marks
1Arth DesaiSr. KG.5555525
2Pragat PatelSr. KG.4544522
3Dhriti ChaplotJr. KG.4444319
ConsolationHarmi NaikJr. KG.3434317
ConsolationPurav DesaiJr. KG.4343317