GroupActivityMaterial required
Std-I, II and III (Group-I)Drawing and Colouring CompetitionPen, Pencil and Colour
Std-IV to VI (Group-II) Slogan-Writing Competition
Std-VII onwards (Group-III)Poster-Making Competition


  1. Participation of the whole class is compulsory.
  2. (i) Class Teacher will select best five students' papers or charts and hand over to the judge.
    (ii) The paper or chart should have the child's Full name with Father's initial, Std., Div., and House written on it (or sticker).
    (iii) Venue: Respective Classroom.
  3. CCA activity to be held in the CCA period.

Judging criteria for Drawing and Colouring Competition:

  1. Neatness
  2. Colour Combination
  3. Imaginations
  4. Finishing
  5. Time Duration

Total marks 25

Judging criteria for Slogan-Writing and Poster-Making Competition:

  1. Relevance to the theme
  2. Originality
  3. Creativity
  4. Colour Harmony
  5. Visual Impact

Total marks 25

Drawing and Colouring Competition 28/07/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
Class & Div.House
NeatnessColour CombinationImaginationsFinishingTime DurationTotal Marks
1Jiya PatelIII-AA5444522
2Jenisha ChaplotI-AA4444420
3Meera ThakorIII-AA3434418
ConsolationDevanshi ChouhanII-AA3333315

Slogan-Writing Competition 28/07/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
Class & Div.House
Relevance to
the theme
OriginalityCreativityColour HarmonyVisual ImpactTotal Marks
1Jaydev ThakorVI-AP4444420
2Aradhya PandeyVI-AP4334418
3Aamna ShaikhIV-AF4333316

Poster-Making Competition 28/07/18 (List of Winners)

Name of
Class & Div.House
Relevance to
the theme
OriginalityCreativityColour HarmonyVisual ImpactTotal Marks
1Akash MishraVIII-A5554524
2Ishita NaharVIII-A5444522
3Yuti DesaiVIII-A5444320
ConsolationSakshi KunadiaVII-A4344318
ConsolationAkanksha YadavVII-A3333315