GroupActivityMaterial required
Jr.KG & Sr.KG.Paper Folding / Origami CompetitionMarble paper / Newspaper and gum


  1. Participation of the whole class is compulsory.
  2. (i) Class Teacher will select best five and hand it over to the judge.
    (ii) The item should have the child's Full name with Father's initial, Std., Div., and House written on it.
    (iii) Venue: Respective Classroom.

Judging criteria:

  1. Neatness
  2. Creativity
  3. Visual Impact
  4. Time duration

Total marks 20

Paper Folding / Origami Competition 24/11/17 (List of Winners)

Name of
NeatnessCreativityVisual ImpactTime durationTotal Marks
1Rimmi Patel444416
2Felix Patel443314
3Prisha Shah433313
1Hanzala Guliyara454417
2Devang Gajjar444315
3Amena Abovat443314
ConsolationAvni Tulsyan333312